Pattern Software For Mac


  1. Knitting Pattern Software For Mac
  2. Knitting Pattern Design Software For Mac
  3. download free, software For Mac
  4. Pattern Making Software For Mac
  5. Free Office Software For Mac

SmartDraw (Best Overall) If you’re looking for an all purpose diagramming tool that makes things. With Color Variables, Components View and the Insert Window, our latest Mac app update is all about building the best home for design systems. Introducing Color Variables Color Variables make it easier to organize your work and keep colors consistent across your designs.

There is an untold power in computer-aided design applications. With them, users are able to experiment a number of elements and at the same time get an accurate way of knowing how the different components will come together. When it comes to clothing and other accessories such as bags and hats, as an industry that has seen tremendous progress, we will be looking at the leading pattern design software to assist designers in making transformations required.


Wild Ginger Software

Wild Ginger Software is a pattern design software that allows designers to experiment with the different components of elements such as bags, hats and several other stuff that are fun. With this software, you are able to create printable designs and thus make it great for sharing.


Valentina is an open source pattern design software that comes loaded with lots of powerful features. This software is available for Windows, Mac, and several variants of the Linux OS. As a result, it accesses virtually all the users on the desktop platform. The application is ideal for small batch and customized garments designers.

My Pattern Designer

My Pattern Designer is a range of premium pattern design software for the garments industry. It features two products which are the standard and the Pro version. With this software, the users will enjoy the ease of use, several options and many designs making the settling of a design fast.

Other Platforms

Notably, the software in this category come from standalone applications, and this implies that they are platform dependent. However, most shield this aspect by having a variant for more than one platform. In the following section, we will look at some applications that are platform specific.

Stitch Works Software for Windows

Pattern Software For Mac

Stitch Works Software is a pattern design software that is available to the Windows users. However, it is also available on the Mac and Linux platforms making it a great to users on all platforms. With this, you will be able to make crochet patterns that can be shared as well as be published.

Ursa Software’s MacStitch for Mac

Ursa Software’s MacStitch is a powerful and easy to use pattern design software for the Mac platform that allows users to create complex designs. It lets you import scanned photos or clip art and incorporate them into the design. You can draw full, half, quarter stitches, beads, knots, back stitch squares, circles, flood fill, search & replace, multi-level undo.

Filet Crochet Pattern Creator for Android

Filet Crochet Pattern Creator is free to download Android App that allows the users to enjoy four free patterns. The patterns you can be able to generate from this software are highly customizable and thus a great piece for the designers interested in exploring their creativity while on the move.

Most Popular Software for 2016 – Intwined Pattern Studio

Knitting Pattern Software For Mac

Intwined Pattern Studio is a leading premium pattern design software. It is available on both Windows and Mac platform, and this makes it a great choice for designers who are sharing designs or collaborating while on different platforms. The software allows users to create complete patterns that are ready for printing and sharing. You can also see Interior Design Software

What is Pattern Design Software?

Knitting Pattern Design Software For Mac

A Pattern Design Software is a tool available to the designers in the garments industry for the creation of the various patterns. This could be for the purposes of creating them for print as well as for sharing with other users and designers.

Essentially, they are in the larger category of computer-aided design software (CAD), and they are very important in allowing designers experiment with various designs. The tools available for this category are quite diverse and allow for customization of products as per the demands of the customers at any given time. You can also see Logo Design Software

Being in a position to create computerized designs and patterns is a great way to start the automation of industries. With the use of the above software, this can be achieved. They also create an interesting way through which sharing of the design is done. This review creates hopes to put you in a better position to do this.

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Antenna Modeling Software for the MAC

I like using MAC computers because of the inherent stability of the underlying UNIX operating system, and the immunity to most viruses. One disadvantage, however, is that not all types of programs are written for the MAC. I occasionally have need for an antenna modeling program. On my windows PC, I used EZNEC ( which costs about $100.

I have always wished to have a similar program for the MAC. I have now found an even better program than EZNEC, that is written specifically for the MAC. The program is “cocoaNEC” ( written by Kok Chen a retired Apple software engineer. The program will run on OS X 10.6 or later, I have been running mine on the latest MAC operating system OS X 10.10, Yosemite, with no problems. This elegant and fast running program is written in OS X’s native programming language. This program takes advantage of all the cores of a modern Intel processor, therefore, it runs fast. The best part, however, is that the program is free.

The downloaded program includes a reference manual and tutorial. Example antenna files can also be downloaded from Kok’s webpage. “cocoaNEC” uses the NEC-2 computational engine. NEC (Numerical Electromagnics Code) was developed by Lawrence Livermore Laboratories in 1981 to simulate the electromagnetic response of antennas and other metal structures.

The antenna characteristics can be input in either one of two ways, via a tabular spreadsheet interface or a special NC programing language interface. The spreadsheet approach is simpler, however, the NC programing interface is more powerful. The antenna’s input information consists of its geometry (for a conductor, the x, y, z coordinates of its endpoints), its excitation, and type of ground (if any).

The summary output for a three-element Yagi antenna located 10-meters above the ground is shown below.

The different color lines represent different frequencies. The antenna can be modeled in free space or above a conducting ground, and the ground conductivity can be varied.

Other outputs consist of a 3-dimensional radiation pattern, driving point impedance and VSWR, as well as a physical plot of the antenna’s geometrical structure. Currents in the various conductors making up the antenna elements can also be plotted, as well as a complete tabulation of the NEC engine output.

If you are a MAC user and have the need to do some antenna modeling, give cocoaNEC a try, I think that you will like it.

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